Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | grass | person | reckoner | sky | water OCR: Footpaths Days Marseilles and drive to Riez Day Sight tseeing in Riez with its remains or o1d medieval walls and gates Day Hike to Moustiers- -Ste -Marie .C oss plateau and thr rough forest Da Layover day to hike the rocky trails Moustiers and wand er among the many steep arcaded streets of the town Day Hike La Palud series of steep ascents and descen f.c through forest on rocky some times loose trails. Day Al1-day spectacular walk thr rough the gorge to Point Sublime Day Hike along an .1c Romar path Castellane Day Explore the back streets of Castellane or optional l hike in the area Day Pass through several villages en route to St-Andre -les- Alpes Da. Travel bv train to Nice and f1v nome Provence Sightseeing iorest rock above ough specta cular Romat home